Thursday, January 15, 2009

Surprise Visit!

As I was getting Kenzie dressed this morning there was a knock at the door... it was Jordan! he came a day early!!! Normally i clue into Jordan's surprises but this time he actually had me. Kenzie was so excited to see her daddy. Kenzie's first RSV test came back negative and her cold is already subsiding but we will be in here at least until Sunday. The room itself is really great but being stuck in here all day just stinks.

All of Kenzies therapies came to us in here and even though she wasn't feeling great, kenzie did amazing! After slowing down and using the nuk brush the last few days they have told us that tomorrow we will start dipping her spoon in food during breakfast. We know that this is when the problems will start but at least we now feel like we are really on our way.

After a week at KKI, I can safely say kenzie is getting better with more people and has already made some progress with allowing people into her mouth. Also today she made her daddy's trip worth waking up at 430am... she started hugging us! Its so cute :-)

I will go sleep at the hotel tonight and Jordan will hang out with Kenzie. Hopefully shell have a quiet night. We will let you know how the food goes tomorrow!

1 comment:

UncleDaddy said...

Hurray! Kenzie it's Mommy's Birthday.

Happy Birthday Aimelah

Glad you and Bunny are feeling better.

What a nice surprise that Daddy came early. Your Daddy is so the best.

Call you later.