All pictures: Kenzie with some of her favorite KKI staff
Sorry I haven't posted an update but we have been busy here. I'm still working through unpacking all the crap we had being away for 2 months. Also, we are trying to figure out a good system to feel the most comfortable with feeding Kenzie here. Needless to say, we haven't sat down much in the last 2 days.
Kenzie's last day at KKI was mixed with emotion. Poor Kenzie didn't smile all day because she was in a Benedryl hazed stupor from the allergic reaction Wednesday night. Luckily the hives haven't returned. We probably will never know what caused it but as long as it doesn't happen again, I guess it doesn't matter much. We had breakfeast, a meeting, lunch and then packed up to go. As much as all I wanted to do was be home, I knew I was going to miss the friends I made there. I also knew Kenzie would miss how much fun she had everyday with all the other kids and in the playroom. I wish she had been in a better mood for her last day but what can you do.
More importantly Kenzie's stomach is still a mess. She is still having constant diarrhea and has now lost a pound and a half which is almost everything gained while we were away. We had to change her clothes Friday night 3 times while she slept because its so explosive that it just goes everywhere. To make matters worse, she is again vomiting up almost everything she eats. Meals are very trying and we are frustrated. We think its behavioral based on medical which means that Kenzie isn't feeling well so she really really doesn't want to eat. She forces herself to gag and vomit every time we present food to her. We are plugging along though and doing what we are supposed to... giving her every meal and not allowing her to win. We spoke to Kenzie's GI doctor and he said if we can't get a handle on the diarrhea by Tuesday, we will have to come in. We also went to her pediatrician who gave us tubs to collect her stool. We will test for CDIF, rotavirus and a bunch of other bugs she could have come down with while at KKI. Unfortunately, all these tests take days to come back so we just have to sit tight now. Of course our big fear is that this isn't something that will go away and somehow Kenzie has reverted to the issues she had since birth. We really are hoping at this point its CDIF because at least then we can treat it and move on. Our vacation to Puerto Rico is now questionable as its only 3 weeks away and if she is still not stable, its not even an option to go away.
The other bad news is that after months of Jordan and I worrying about Kenzie's length and being told to hang in... our pediatrician is now concerned. Kenzie is 16 months old now and has only grown 9inches since birth. She has fallen off her own curve and is not even close to the charts anymore. He wants us to see an endocrinologist. It's probably the only type of doctor Kenzie has avoided seeing so far. Another day, another worry...
Kenzie has been in a funk since we got back. She is cranky and whiney. I think its partially that she got so used to seeing her friends all day long at KKI and partially that she isn't feeling well. It doesn't help that I don't want to take her out now because I hate to think if she has something contagious, we would spread it.
I guess I should try and find some good news so that will be the fact that we are home!!!! Jordan and I are finally sleeping in the same bed together after 8 weeks apart and we have Chubby back. Kenzie loves having him around. I have a bunch of pictures to put up so hopefully I'll find time and energy to do it tonight. Fun Saturday night...
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